Discover ‘Displacement: Zweig, Roth and Benjamin’ by Richard Harper

Richard Parker, Author, Displacement: Zweig, Roth and Benjamin

Arrow Gate Publishing is thrilled to announce the acquisition of worldwide rights to ‘Displacement: Zweig, Roth and Benjamin’ by Richard Harper. This forthcoming title examines the lives and literary legacies of three iconic writers—Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and Walter Benjamin—who faced persecution and exile during the tumultuous era of fascism.

In ‘Displacement’, Harper, a distinguished legal mind and seasoned author, provides a captivating exploration of how fascism profoundly impacted these remarkable figures, ultimately leading to their tragic ends. Drawing on his extensive background in law and literary expertise, Harper offers readers a unique perspective on exile, artistic expression, and the enduring struggle against oppression.

AUSTRIA – JANUARY 01: Stefan Zweig and Josef Roth in Ostende, Belgium. Photography. 1936. (Photo by Imagno/Getty Images) [Stefan Zweig (li.) und Joseph Roth in Ostende, Belgien. Photographie, 1936]

Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and Walter Benjamin are renowned for their literary brilliance and unwavering opposition to totalitarianism. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, Harper sheds new light on their contributions to literature and their enduring legacy.

Richard Harper, a former Barrister and respected legal author, brings his wealth of experience to this work. Commenting on the acquisition, he expressed his delight: ‘I am delighted that Arrow Gate is publishing Displacement.’

This upcoming release promises to be an enlightening journey into these three iconic writers’ lives and works, appealing to non-fiction and literary criticism readers alike. Arrow Gate Publishing eagerly anticipates sharing this compelling exploration with audiences worldwide. Stay tuned for ‘Displacement: Zweig, Roth and Benjamin’ by Richard Harper, a must-read for those interested in the intersection of history, literature, and the enduring human spirit.

For more updates on the release of ‘Displacement’, follow Arrow Gate Publishing.

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